Powder Puff Game!
October 9, 2017
Yesterday was the Powder Puff game between the junior and senior classes on the RHS football field, and it’s safe to say it went very smoothly.
The players in the game appeared ready to win and the fans in the stands we very excited to be there, cheering for their teams. The senior fans didn’t really cheer, but the junior fans were crazy full of enthusiasm!
Powder Puff is a very interesting game. It’s like football but played only between females. This game of football is much like touch football or flag football. The proceeds from the tickets most often go to charities, and the game itself is most often played before a homecoming dance. It is unclear when Powder Puff became a ‘thing,’ but there is some estimation that it was played as early as 1931 at the Western State College of Colorado.
Madi Richins says, “It was a really fun experience, it was a strong game, the seniors won. I wasn’t afraid to tackle people and I ran a lot. It was fun. It was always a fast game. It was something I will always remember.”
This is the second year Ridgeline High School has been up and running, yet there is already a huge fan base behind the game.
The Powder Puff game was awesome and the seniors won in the last thirty seconds. The juniors were good sports about losing. They were just happy to have played. Congratulations seniors!