Wingin’ it Improv


Madelyn Lund

On Thursday the 27th, I was able to go and watch the improv troupe perform some scenes and got to see what kind of ideas they are working on, what it takes, and what it’s like to do improv. I have never been to an improv show before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. They had their show in the lecture hall, a lot of friends and family of the students that are in improv showed up. Most of what the kids came up with were funny and creative, and their show got a lot of laughs.

They did some scenes from the movies “Star Wars” and “Tangled”. They also played the game “Murder”, but they weren’t able to talk or make any sound. They used Bob Ross and an elevator for their game. Another game they did was sound effects, and how they did that was they had two people performing but they couldn’t talk and two people on each side. The people on the side had to talk and make noises for the people that were performing. Their show was very funny, and I recommend going to their shows for a good laugh!