Best Tips for Winning in Among Us


Jared Beckett, Staff


Many of you have probably heard of and most likely played the game that is sweeping the world. Among Us, while simple it still brings loads of joy. Although it was initially released in 2018, it has recently exploded in popularity. The game involves a crew living on a spaceship trying to keep everything in order just to survive. Among the crew however, lies a very sinister foe, the Imposter(s). The Imposter(s) tries to sabotage, kill, and deceive the crewmates. A meeting is called whenever a dead body is discovered, the crewmates then decide which person to vote out, if any. The crewmates win if all tasks are completed or they successfully vote out the imposter(s). The imposter(s) wins if they outnumber the crewmates. Now that the basic principles of the game have been explained we can dive deeper into the strategies involved in the game.


Crewmate Tips

The first thought of many when playing a crewmate in Among Us is ”I need to find out who the Imposter is”. While that is ultimately the objective of the game, I propose a different solution to finding that out, instead of just hoping you nonchalantly see the imposter kill someone or vent, you should find out who isn’t the imposter. 

  • Process of elimination can be very helpful when deciding on who the imposter is. Choosing between 3 people instead of 9 makes it much easier. There are several visual tasks in the game which help you figure out who is not the imposter. The asteroids game has a weapon that shoots when it is being played, the shields light up when they are activated, the garbage is ejected when someone pulls the chute. All of these are major indicators of innocence. 
  • Once you have eliminated some suspects you can focus more deeply on the ones you have left. Investigate them until you find out who the killer is.
  • Another way to eliminate suspects is to travel in groups. The optimal group size would be 3. If you were in a group of 2 the other person could easily be the imposter and kill you, groups of 3 however, are different. If the Imposter decided to kill within the group the other person would see and the Imposter would get voted out. 


Imposter Tips

Most who have played Among Us can agree playing as the Imposter is the more fun role. Making alliances and betraying your friends has never been more fun. Being a good Imposter however, can be hard. With all the questions of who to kill and when to kill it can be hard to win as an Imposter sometimes. 

  • When playing as the Imposter try to get a crewmate on your side, convince them that you are not the Imposter. Stay with them but don’t kill them. Doing this will slowly gain their trust and get them to defend you when a dead body is discovered.
  • When a dead body is reported try to give unhelpful information, “I was in coms downloading data”. Derive all suspicion away from you.
  • Make note of if someone is watching cams or door logs and be careful about venting or killing around those areas or even kill the person watching those.



Using these tips, along with logic and deception, you can show up your friends with your advanced strategies. Among Us is loads of fun with friends, but it’s even more fun when you outsmart the imposters as a detective, or deceive and murder them as an effective imposter.