Caitlyn Liechty


Caitlyn Liechty, a senior Aeirette at Ridgeline High School tells me her passion for drill. To start off, Caitlyn joined the drill team as a sophomore and continued to do it until her senior year. Her favorite part about drill is all the friendships she has made and how well each teammate treats each other. “My teammates and coaches are like my second family,” Caitlyn says. When she is competing, her favorite part is showing the crowd a dance that she has worked hard on. She strives to have the feeling of unity. Caitlyn feels like she holds more unity than her previous years because she is one of the captains this year. Unity makes her feel amazing when her teammates show sympathy while they strive to win or do well. Striving to do well is always something that has been heartfelt to her. Caitlyn’s favorite dance is military. “Military style focuses on sharp movements, specific arm angles, symmetrical marching styles, and a lot of creative formation changes” she explained. “Motivation plays a big part when you’re on a drill team.” What motivates Caitlyn to do so well is that drill is not an individual sport, it’s a team sport. So doing well at practices, getting good grades, and having the right mindset is key because the whole team is doing it for each other. ​It’s a must for the girls to continuously improve the routine, as well as each other’s relationships. This year the team placed first at region and second in state finals. It was a great way for Caitlyn to end her senior year. She says “Having a positive mindset with things you want to achieve, anything can happen.” Generally, Caitlyn really recommends incoming students to try out for the team because it has taught her many life lessons and memories that she will forever cherish.