The Pizza Topping Outbreak


Pineapple on pizza seemed to be one of the biggest arguments for the longest time and now people have found a new topping to fight over. Ever since the picture of strawberries on a pizza went viral people have had the comment sections arising with argument about how gross or how good it tastes. People have even continued to argue that fruit should never belong on a pizza. The president of Iceland even went as far as making pineapple on pizza illegal. People have been making their own memes about this debate and I’ll be the first to admit that some are pretty fun. Some have even offered to put their pineapple argument on hold and join forces to prevent this pizza to become a regular thing. The user on Twitter with the name, Moonemojii, was the one to post the gruesome picture. Some people have actually gone as far as reporting the user to the FBI. As much as people might be against this, there are a few who have decided to try it and have enjoyed it. Who knows, maybe it will be grapes next?