Be kind to everyone

Kat Bowie

Dear Reader,

High school is the fastest four years of your life. It is the launching pad for the rest of your life. It can seem like it will never end, but before you know it, it’s gone in a flash. So take it from me, there’s a lot you’ll want to know going forward.

This week’s tip is to be kind. I promise that you will never regret being kind, and you never know how much someone may need it. Unless you follow people around all the time, which I wouldn’t recommend because that’s creepy, there’s no way you can know every aspect of what is going on in their lives and how it may affect them. Being kind to others around you will not only lift others up, but hopefully inspire them to do the same. I know that you’re just one person, so you may not think that you’ll have a big impact, but I’m sure that guy that ate a bat forever ago didn’t think he’d have much of an impact either and look at where we are now. All jokes aside, kindness is contagious, but not in a bad way. People appreciate it more than we realize, especially the little things that we can do.

Be kind to everyone kiddos,