10 Things to do While Quarantined: 1-5

Gold top 10 winner

Gold top 10 winner

Being stuck in your house 24/7 will make you bored out of your mind. There is no way to avoid it, because in today’s world, we are used to going to school, work, and having more of a social life. I personally have fought with boredom. For the sake of others, I have taken the time to think of 15 activities you can do while quarantined at your house that will keep you entertained and busy.

  1. Paint Rocks

You are able to find rocks in your backyard or around your house! Once you find rocks that you want to paint, search up ideas of fun things you could paint on them. After you’re done, you can place them on your front porch or out in the yard to help decorate. This may seem weird but once you try it, you will see how fun it can be. It doesn’t matter if you are creative or not, just try and create something YOU like. Don’t worry if you hate it, once the paint dries, you can always restart.

  1. Make a Dessert

Search up ideas online and make a new dessert that you’ve never tried before! Look in your kitchen to see what ingredients you have, and search up desserts that have those ingredients and try that! This is a great way to spend time because at the end of the day, you get to enjoy whatever you create. A simple one you could try is Disney Churro bites. Recently released, you can find this simple recipe online. This is a perfect treat and something new to try. Disney lover or not, they are just one of many possibilities your inner chef could try.

  1. Have a Game Night With Your Family

Get all your family together and have a fun game night. You can get out the old board games along with new ones and try them out. This allows you to have quality time with your family and also have the chance to laugh and have fun. Play a game you all like or try something new. If none of the games you have sound fun, make up your own!

  1. Facetime a Loved One

Facetime a friend you haven’t seen in awhile. Ask them how they are and get caught up! Facetime a grandparent! They would love to hear from you, and you can ask them questions about their childhood and get to know them better. Even if the call is short, it still took up a little bit of time. Plus, you could completely make someone else’s day.

  1. Try a New Dinner

Using the internet, you can search up easy or hard dinners to try and make for your family! Getting to do this can improve your cooking abilities along with making your parents happy because you made dinner. Also, getting to eat what you make is a bonus! Let out your inner Gordon Ramsey and put that whisk to work!

Come back next week to conclude this list with 6 – 10