How to Survive Quarantine: Part 2

Johnny Brown, Writer

Welcome back to the 5 steps to survive the quarantine. Today I am going to share the 2nd step to survive the quarantine. These days people have a ton of time on their hands. The real problem is finding how to spend it. This is where step 2 can help. Step 2 is to have fun in the quarantine by sharing jokes and memes to anyone you can think of. You can do this many different ways. Some choose to use social media such as Tiktok and Instagram, while others just send messages to all their friends. You can even make a game with this. On the app Tiktok you can try to become as famous as you can by making funny content that people will like to watch. The more followers you have the better. Even make a competition between you and your friends to see who can get the most followers. Lets see who can get the most. Thank you for reading. Hope to see you all soon.