10 Things to do While Quarantined: 6-10

Gold top 10 winner

Gold top 10 winner

Sara Snyder

Here is the conclusion of 10 things to do while in quarantine:

  1. Clean Out Your Closet

Get started on cleaning out the clutter in your closet and room. Go through your clothes and throw out the ones you don’t wear anymore. You have so much time on your hands, why not take the opportunity to do this. This may sound tedious and boring, believe me, I’ve been there. However, once you start, you may have the time of your life. It would be a nostalgia filled activity, and may be more enjoyable than it sounds.

  1. Start a Garden/Yard Work

Starting a garden will help you to have something you can do everyday. You will also be able to grow things you love to eat or flowers you love. Just think, a few peppers, some tomatoes, and a few months and you’ll have home planted, home grown, and home made, fresh garden salsa!

  1. Teach Your Pet a New Trick

Start simple. Teach them how to sit, or shake. Then advance to rolling over or “talking”. This is a simple thing to do as long as you are willing to take the time to do it. It’s easier with young pets, but nothing is impossible. You can always teach an older pet. If you don’t have a pet just use your little brother!

  1. Start a Workout Routine

This could be as simple as 10 push-ups every morning or as complicated as an hour long high intensity workout. Gyms might be closed, but that doesn’t mean that summer bodies are out of the picture. You can always find something to lift at home or go running around your neighborhood. If all else fails just use your own body weight. Before you know it you will feel great, and will have found a great way to get through this boring time.

  1. Clean Your Car

It may seem simple, but when you really get going you could be surprised at how much cleaning can actually be done. Don’t worry though, if you don’t have a car, you could offer to clean one for a parent or sibling. This is a great way to pass time, and after quarantine you can go show off those shiny wheels.