How I’m Surviving Quarantine

Savannah Christensen, Writer

There are many things that are challenging high school studenrs on others like us during this coronavirus quarantine, including: learning online, endless boredom, lack of social life, and a decline in physical activity. Here are a few things you can try to overcome these daunting challenges. 

Let’s start with the issue of online school. One challenging aspect of doing school online, and at home, is that there tends to be a lot of distraction. Whether it comes from our family or our devices, the fact remains, we have to change how we deal with them. If your family is posing a distraction, I suggest finding a quiet secluded part of the house to do your online learning. If it is a technological device that is distracting you, simply leave it in another part of the house.

I believe that the hardest part of this quarantine is trying to figure out what to do with all of this extra freetime. This is a great time to get your creative juices flowing! Try something new, create something, learn a new skill! There are endless possibilities! Here are a few things that I have done with my free time if you need some ideas. Plant flowers, organize your room, paint, learn a new song on the piano, sew, or become a mario kart master. 

Another huge problem that many teens are facing during this quarantine, is the lack of a social life. We miss our friends and our connections that we have with them. Thank goodness we live in a technological era, where it is easy to text, facetime, and call. If you miss your friends, tell them! Shoot them a text, and start up a conversation with them. It will make your social life a little bit better. 

One of the last challenges that most of us are facing during this quarantine, is a decline in physical activity. Extracurricular sports are cancelled, gyms are closed, and if you absolutely hate running (like me), there seems to be no way of getting your daily exercise. But no worries, there are plenty of at home HIT workouts that are online. If that’s not your thing, try going on a walk, hiking, or bike riding to get your physical activity in for the day. 

I hope these tips and tricks can help you as we try to survive this quarantine.