Homecoming Week is Here!


Karissa Benson, Sports Writer

Monday was the start of our second annual Ridgeline Homecoming! And what better way to kick it off, then by going to a pep assemble. All of the students filed into the gym, taking their seats on the bleachers while blissfully chatting with friends.

Once everyone was hushed down, we recited the Pledge of Allegience, listened to our morning announcements, then all sang our fight song. Which goes as follows;

Rise up for Green Blue as the might Riverhawks fly.

We’ll soar above the rest ever looking to the sky.

A victory we’ll claim- Go Hawks!

O’ lets win this game- Go Hawks!

Ever conquer never yield always the victor when we take the field.

We’re reaching for new heights as the mighty Riverhawks fly

Fight on for Ridgeline High for Vic- tor- y’s our cry

Go Hawks!

Next was our Wobble Song/Dance. We all stood up, spun our arms in the air and rolled our hips then jumped back and walked forward.

And once all was said and done, there was a relay-race between all of the high school classes; Freshman, Sophmores, Juniors and Seniors across the gym. The relay race involved a lot of looking stupid. They first started by pulling themselves across they gym on wheeled contraptions, by using miniature toilet plungers to suck to the ground, and move them along. Once they got to a check point, the players got up and cart wheeled to an object, that they then ran back to another member in their group to continue the game. Next two groupies take the object, run all the way across the gym, give the object to a teacher and in trade, the teacher gives them a rectangle of silk. Using the silk, one of the players sits on the silk, (holding on for dear life) and the other grabs the front and pulls the partner across the gym back to their group. The first one back is the winner. And the Seniors won! Sadly the Freshman came in last place.

This relay-race was fun for the student body to watch. There had been plenty of verbal participation. People laughing, and yelling at the players to hurry. Basically just backseat driving.

The pep assemble was very fun, and a fantastic way to start homecoming!