Its October!!!!!

Its October!!!!!

Ammoriah, Author/Editor

Do you love October, but have no idea what to do with your overwhelming joy about this month? I’ve got just the information for you! Here’s a list of things you should do before winter comes, so hurry! First things first, if you are easily scared, you are not gonna want to do some of the things on this list, or at least you wont want to do them alone. Next, you should start thinking about your Halloween costume. Even though it is at the end of the month, everyone is already thinking about how to dazzle all of their friends by not looking anything like they do on any other given day of the year. Lastly, Halloween is not properly celebrated if you don’t do some fun fall activities. While you map out your month of Halloween, think about how you might want to scare your friends constantly  on an endless loop of terror. 

There are millions of things you can dress up as for Halloween and it can be a bit overwhelming because there are so many options. You could dress up as a Disney character or a character from a movie or t.v. show. If you wanted to dress scary you could go for a ghost, zombie, or monster. It really depends on how much you want to commit and how good your special effects makeup skills are. ” Me and my friends want to dress up as the characters from the Princess and the Frog movie”. Senior Natasha Hoth.

But while you decide on your costume, here are a bunch of different ways you can scare and prank your naive friends. First, a classic way to scare your friend or family members is to cut out a picture of a scary face and tape it to the outside of their bedroom window. They definitely will not expect it to be there and 8/10 times it probably works, those are pretty good odds, (not an actual fact). However, you will want to get them when they are their most vulnerable, and where is a person always vulnerable? The bathroom. What you need to do is go into the bathroom before anybody else does and draw little spiders on the toilet paper so it looks like there are bugs on the toilet paper. Lastly, one way to always get a scream out of anyone is to blow up a balloon and tape it behind the door, and on the door tape a nail to pop when they open the door and scare the crap out anyone you try this on. It’s a sure fire way to start a prank war or lose a friend.  

 When it comes to how you should celebrate All Hallows Eve, I would recommend trick or treating, because it’s free candy and no one is too old or too cool to accept free candy from strangers (only Halloween is this acceptable). If you’re offered candy from strangers on any other day, I recommend running away. If walking around town to get your sugar isn’t on your list then go to the store and buy your own candy, it’s cheaper this time of year so everyone should stock up on sweets for winter. And once you have your candy you could invite a friend or two over to your house for a horror movie night. “I probably wont dress up, I’ll probably just stay home and eat candy because I can,” junior Parker Cummings said.

Lastly, for all those party people reading this, a party should be thrown on this day, specifically a costume party where there’s lots of food and decorations while Halloween themed music plays in the background. A holiday as sweet as this should be celebrated with friends and food, or spooky frights.