What Have We Done???!!!!

What Have We Done???!!!!

Ammoriah Kailing, Author/Editor

The majority of people probably don’t check NASA’s website on the daily or don’t even think about what is really going on that we cant visibly see. “It’s not normal but it’s not insanely weird,” senior Jordan Stout says in reference to the changes in weather. However, just because something isn’t as visible as any concrete item, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. If you have not been checking the NASA website recently, you really should, the evidence they have regarding climate change is shocking. Even the changes in years as recent as 2000 is unbelievable. From the year 2000 to the year 2017 the sea levels have risen from 24.1 mm in February of 2000 to 84.8 mm as of July in 2017.

And as far as the global warming issue goes, the evidence is astounding. This is no new issue, global warming has been happening for a long time and still there will be people who brush off this article as if its some radical opinion of any single person when in reality it has been scientists researching and finding evidence that world dismisses. And the way the world is warming these people will deny it until they can’t go outside because it’s too hot and unlivable, when it’s too late to change anything. “Sixteen of the 17 warmest years in the 136-year record all have occurred since 2001.” (Quote and graphs taken from the official NASA website.)


1936-1940                                                                                    1990-1994                                                                                      2016

Dark blue indicates areas cooler than average. Dark red indicates areas warmer than average.

TIME SERIES: 1936-2016
Credit: NASA


You might be asking yourself what is really changing. So heres a short but important list:

  1. Flooding
  2. Animal extinction
  3. Atmospheric changes
  4. Arctic land ice melting
  5. Higher sea levels
  6. Extreme events ( recent hurricanes: Harvey, Irma, Jose…)
  7. Carbon Dioxide levels in the air are higher than they’ve been 650000 years.
  8. Ocean acidification

What is the cause? 


Well, humans affect on the natural greenhouse effect. Most climate change scientists will agree that the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the ” greenhouse effect ” – warming that occurs when the earth traps heat coming from space.  On earth, human activity such as burning fossil fuels like coal and oil has been cause for the release of CO2. Which gets trapped  and causes the earth to warm. Take the planet Venus for example, the atmosphere of Venus has its own greenhouse effect and with such a high concentration of CO2 it gets trapped and makes it’s surface hot enough to melt lead. “I have a problem with climate change, especially that no one is working hard enough to change.” senior Natasha Hoth explained.

But what will/is happening to earth?

The earth will become warmer, the warmer temperatures will lead to oceans getting warmer, and this warmer ocean will melt the ice caps and glaciers. And with a warmer ocean , the water will expand and thé sea levels will rise. Causing flooding in certain areas. Extreme wheather will also occurs such as the recent hurricanes that occurred in 2016/2017.

But what can we do if this is already happening?

1. Inform and prepare American communities

2. Improve resilience to extreme events

3. Try to live green and reduce waste

While there is not any one solution to this global problem, you can spread awareness and try to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Remember that it’s a choice that you make every day. Instead of using a plastic bag, use a cloth or paper bag, and instead of springing for a plastic water bottle or plastic coffee cup, go for a metal or reusable cup. It’s that simple. Be the generation to go green!