Black Friday


Ammoriah Kailing, Author/Editor

Black Friday is without a doubt one of the craziest days of the year. People get so intense over a good deal but where can we find the best deals?

Walmart is one of the first major stores to start having these crazy good sales on the Friday following thanksgiving. They have great household items and toys that go up for sale, such as Television sets and whatever the newest doll or action figures are. Amazon, starting November 1, has a countdown to Black Friday. and outrageously good deals on the actual day and cyber Monday. For those that don’t know, Cyber Monday is like Black Friday but online, on the Monday following thanksgiving. If you’re looking for a new iPhone or a nice television, Best Buy holds a wild Black Friday sale that will make you wish that every day was black Friday. 

However, some people wish that black Friday didn’t exist at all. They think it is ironic how on the day immediately following the one day of year we are supposed to reflect and be grateful, people go out and trample one another literally getting into fights and altercations for a good deal on something they don’t need. Our world is run on consumerism, so it should be no surprise that people of todays generation don’t hold as high a level of respect for the holiday as the generations before.

“I think black Friday is a stupid concept but like, I’m gonna take advantage of it. I mean how could you not?” junior Parker Cummings stated.

What people of today need to ask themselves this year on November 23 is, “what am I celebrating?” well, what is the history of this holiday? Giving. We need to remember that each year of our lives is something to be grateful for and theres is always something to be grateful for, whether it be family, friends, food, heartache, life lessons, or love. You have to remember that life is short and you never know what your life will be like so you should always  strive to appreciate what you have.

Returning to the topic of the best black Friday sales, Walmart has pretty much everything on any given day of the week and on black Friday, with the ridiculous sales come ridiculous people. Remember to wear comfortable shoes because you will be waiting in line for a long time no matter where you choose to shop. If you are an overnight deal camper. Dress warm!!! Go overboard with the blankets and comfortable chairs. Best buy is great for buying television sets and new iPhone deals. However, again the people are ridiculous, you may or may not get trampled. Just saying. Its probably best to just avoid the black Friday shopping nightmare and just wait for cyber Monday on amazon and a million other websites.