How to Plan Your Senior Trip in 8 Easy Steps


Ammoriah Kailing, Author/Editor

If you wanna go on trip, it is time to start planning.  So here’s how:

Step 1. 

Pick your destination and weigh the pros and cons of going to that place.

Step 2. 

Decide who you want to go with and if you can stand them for a long period of time.

Step 3.

Figure out when you want to go and where you will stay.

Step 4.

Then plan out everything your going to do on the trip, and come up with a total cost. This includes hotels, food, activities, travel…etc.

Step 5. 

Set goals for yourself. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time in between planning and the actual trip so you have time to save up money and plan the finer details.

Step 6.  

Dream big and don’t be afraid of the price, you can adjust and save if you give yourself time

Step 7.

Prepare yourself for the trip you want to go on, if you are planning to go to a foreign speaking country.

Step 8. 

Pack light and enjoy yourself!