Ways to Pay for college – What you need to know.

Ways to Pay for college - What you need to know.

Kali D'Andrea


Has the idea of going to college stressed you out? Are you wondering if you’ll even be able to pay for college? Here’s a list of tips and resources to help:

College grants: This is also referred to as the “gift aid”. This is basically free money that doesn’t have to be repaid. These are usually based around need, while regular scholarships are based around how well you’ve done. You can apply for it through FAFSA or at the financial aid office at your college.

Work study jobs: The federal government provides college students with a “work study” part time job. The job is usually based around what you want to go into, and is invloved around community service. This helps students pay for parts of college and any other college expenses they might have. Although this most likely won’t cover the whole cost, it is a great help.

Live off campus: This is pretty much self explanatory, just live off campus. Living with a parent is also one of the best options financially.

FAFSA: The “Free application for Federal Student Aid” is a form that can be filled out annually. On top of filling this out and receiving money, this could also help you understand what other scholarships you’re eligible for.

Take out a loan: This is the worst option. Once you take out a loan you do have to pay it back, and even after college that can be difficult for you financially.

Apply for private scholarships: I’m sure you’ve all heard of this one at least once or twice throughout our school. Private scholarships are a great way to earn money for college. Some are based off of how well you have done while others are based around writing or doing something like making a prom dress out of duct tape. You can also find this though FAFSA.

You can follow the link below for more information and scholarships.
